Aug 18, 2019

Drama script "the ugly duckling"

Drama and dance performances by students:

Hey friends I am going to share school act performances by students of Cfts school. This type of play allows children to use their creativity while increasing their imagination, skills, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.
Acts are also important to healthy brain development. It is through play that children at a very early age engage and interact in the world around them.

  • Practice collective skills in several stage settings.

  • Develop and apply development skills in practice, production and classroom   settings.

  • Demonstrate problem-solving skills in the creation of artistic work.

  • Study a script for given situations, objectives, actions, problems, and character connections; apply that inquiry to the creation of show.

  •  Play physical actions in act.

  •  Apply skills of listening, speech, awareness and teamwork through the creation of performance as a member of a group.

  • Demonstrate a physical understanding of a variety of dance forms, separate program vocabulary, and technique through performance.


Ugly duckling 1
Ugly duckling 2
Ugly duckling 3
Ugly duckling 4


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